Ryback Responds To Accusations About Injuring CM Punk
Former WWE Superstar Ryback addresses claims about injuring CM Punk during their matches, specifically referencing a controversial table spot from their past encounters.

Ryback has addressed accusations that he injured CM Punk during their time working together in WWE. In a video posted to his Instagram, Ryback specifically focused on claims related to their in-ring encounters.
The former WWE performer stated that he was particularly careful when working with Punk, knowing about his physical condition at the time.
The reason is that I was as gentle with him as anyone I’ve ever worked with. If you watch my matches with Punk and compare them to Brock, Brock was a million times more physical than I was. I was aware of Punk’s injuries—he was always beat up and hurting backstage—so I was extra gentle with him.
Ryback also discussed a specific table spot that had drawn criticism, explaining that the outcome was not what critics suggested.
The one table spot that some people like to make a big deal out of—the truth is, the table broke, and he landed on padding. We accomplished what we needed to from that angle. I didn’t get in trouble. Not one person talked to me about it—not Vince, not Hunter, no one from the office. The spot went as planned. Was it perfect? No, but he landed on padding. It doesn’t really matter that he didn’t go directly through the middle of the table.
In the same video, Ryback shared an incident involving R-Truth, which he says he does take responsibility for.
As for people who say, ‘Oh, you can’t hold yourself accountable; you never learn,’ that’s not true. I had an incident in the ring with R-Truth, whom I love dearly. I accidentally knocked the wind out of him by kicking him in the stomach. When we were taught that move in developmental, we were told to always lay it in but remind our opponent to tighten up so they can flex their abdomen.
One particular night, I forgot to tell Truth to tighten up, and when I kicked him, it knocked the wind out of him. I felt horrible. He’s not a crybaby, he never complains, and he wasn’t mad about anything. I apologized for everything, but that’s one thing I truly regret. So I can hold myself accountable all day long. But with Punk, I was as good to him as I’ve been with anyone.
Ryback has been vocal in defending himself against CM Punk’s previous allegations that he was reckless in the ring.