Triple H Accused of Being to Blame for Negative Reaction to His WWE Hall of Fame Induction
Former WWE writer Vince Russo criticizes Triple H for accepting a second Hall of Fame induction, claiming Vince McMahon would have rejected such recognition.

Triple H faces mounting criticism over his upcoming second WWE Hall of Fame induction, with former WWE writer Vince Russo pointing fingers at The Game himself.
Fans have questioned the necessity of another induction for Triple H, who already entered the Hall as part of D-Generation X.
On The Wrestling Outlaws, Russo contrasted Triple H’s approach with Vince McMahon’s past reluctance to spotlight himself.
When you say Triple H is not in the editing room and he is not saying put me in this, put me in that, and you’re saying you know the people under him are doing that, you know, maybe, to get over with him or whatever. But it’s so funny because then you would have thought they would have handled Vince McMahon the same way. But they never did because they knew Vince didn’t want that… Vince would look at that and say take me out of that, put one of the boys in my spot.
Russo highlighted Triple H’s frequent appearances across WWE programming as a contributing factor to the backlash.
Triple H is all over everything, all over everything. All over the WrestleMania promo. He is all over. Vince never did that. He never ever put himself all over everything. So I think the combination of the two, Chris, if Triple H was not in so many packages, you know, going out there in the beginning of WrestleMania if he didn’t put himself out there as much as he does, I don’t think people would have that much of a problem with it.
The Undertaker has defended Triple H against critics of the induction, but the controversy continues to simmer as WrestleMania season approaches.
The situation raises interesting questions about leadership styles in WWE and whether drawing attention to oneself helps or hurts the product in fans’ eyes.